Show list of subcampsThe codename “AL Riese”, served as a cover for a system of concentration camps subordinated to KL Gross- Rosen which were located in the massif of Eulengebierge (Sowie Mountains), and had a common administration and headquarters with its seat in the camp Wüstegiersdorf. AL Riese, which consisted of 13 camps and a camp hospital, was established in connection with building another quarters for Adolf Hitler.
Through AL Riese went about 13 000 prisoners. They were all Jews from many European countries but the largest number of them was from Hungary, and Poland. Estimated number of the dead ones is 5 000 people.
AL Dornhau was set up in the first days of June 1944 in the buildings of a former carpet factory in Dornhau (Kolce). In the camp there were only men, mainly of Jewish origin form Greece, Poland, and Hungary. Prisoners were building roads, bridges, canalization, and unloading wagons. At the end of August 1944 the camp started to fill the role of a common hospital camp for seriously ill prisoners from the whole „Riese” complex. Between 1st of August 1944 and 7th of May 1945, there were at least 4334 people in this hospital camp.
Prisoners were liberated on 8th of May 1945. Directly after the liberation, camp was changed into a hospital for former prisoners.
AL Erlenbusch was established in May 1944 in the village Erlenbusch (Olszyniec), on a meadow, area of which was about 1 hectare. Prisoners were Jews from Poland and Hungary. They worked on a side track, reloading building materials. They also made pits for waterworks in the region of Saal Berg Mountain (Jedlińska Kopa) and Włodarz.
Prisoners were freed in the first days of May 1945.
AL Falkenberg was located near the village Falkenberg (Sokolec), in the hamlet Eule (Sowina). It was set up iat the turn of April and May 1944. It was inhabited by 1500 men of Jewish origin from Poland, Hungary, and Greece. Their main duty was to drill tunnels in the northern and eastern slope of the Schindelberg Mountain (Gontowa). They were also building a road in direction of the Schindelberg Mountain. At the beginning of February 1945 the camp was evacuated. Prisoners were sent to neighboring AL Wolfsberg, from which they left further on, together with its prisoners.
AL Fürstenstein was on the hill near to the castle Fürstenstein (Książ). It was established in May 1944. Its prisoners were Jews, citizens of Poland, Hungary, and Greece. Their main job was digging tunnels under the castle. Moreover, they were reloading building materials.
Evacuation of the camp took place around 16th of February 1945. Prisoners walked to Trutnov (Czech Republic), and then they were transported in a train to KL Flossenbürg.
AL Kaltwasser was established on the Wüstegiersdorf (Głuszyca) mountain slope, behind the village Kaltwasser (Zimna), at the end of August 1944. Its prisoners were Jews, citizens of Poland. They worked installing the sewage system, building the railway tracks, unloading wagons with cement.
The camp was liquidated about the 18th of December 1944. Part of prisoners was transported to the hospital barrack in AL Tannhausen (Jedlinka Zdrój), the other part was sent to AL Wolfsberg (on the Włodarz mountain), and the remaining ones were transferred to the newly built camp Lärche (on the Soboń mountain slope).
AL Lärche was settled in the clearing, on the slope of Ramenberg Mountain (Soboń). It was functioning from the second half of 1944, when to Lärche were transported prisoner form the liquidated camp Kaltwasser. Prisoners worked building the road, narrow gauge railway, water intake on the area of the Ramenberg mountain, and digging tunnels.
On 8th of February 1945, the camp was liquidated, and prisoners were transferred to the subcamp of KL Gross-Rosen – AL Märzbachtal, were they stayed until its evacuation.
AL Märzbachtal was established in a forest, on the mounatian slope, in the valley Grosser Märzbachtal (Marcowy Potok Duży), at the end of April, or at the beginning of May 1944. There were about 700 men in the camp, mostly Jews, citizens of Poland, and Hungary. Some prisoners worked felling trees, others were building roads, bridges, and drainage ditches in the neighborhood of the Ramenberg Mountain (Soboń).
On 14th or 15th of February 1945 the camp was evacuated. Prisoners reached KL Flossenbürg, were they were registered on 25th of February.
AL Säuferwasser was established on the mountain slope, near to the stream Säuferwasser (Kłobia in the Owl Mountain). It functioned since the beginning of August 1944. Prisoners of the camp were Jews from Poland, Hungary, and Greece, which worked building ground objects, reservoir, and houses near to the top of Säufer Höhen Mountain (Osówka), drainage ditches, water supply system from Grosse Eule-Berg (Wielka Sowa) to Säufer Höhen, roads, and a narrow gauge train. They were also boring tunnels in the Säufer Höhen Mountain.
Around the 15th of February 1945 the camp was evacuated, except for badly ill prisoners, who after couple of days were taken to the hospital camp in Dörnhau (Kolce). Those, who were evacuated, were taken to KL Flossenbürg.
AL Schotterwerk was created near the railway station Oberwüstegiersdorf (Głuszyca-Górna), at the end of April, or at the beginning of May 1944. In the camp there were about 1300 Jews from Poland, Hungary, and Greece. Prisoners worked in the quarry in Oberwüstegiersdorf, in the metal plant, and on reload of building materials.
Part of prisoners joined the evacuation column from AL Wüstegiersdorf. The others were freed on the 8th of May 1945.
AL Tannhausen was set up in the factory halls of the company Websky in Tannhausen (Jedlinka Zdrój), at the turn of April and May 1944. Its prisoners were mainly Jews from Greece, Poland, and Hungary. On 5th of May 1944, there were about 1200 prisoners. They worked digging tunnels, and building railway.
Those prisoners, who were able to walk, were evacuated. They joined the evacuation column of prisoners from different camps of the „Riese” complex. In the camp were left only sick ones, who were liberated on 8th of May 1945.
AL Wolfsberg was established at the beginning of May, on the northern-east mountain slope of Wolfsberg (Włodarz), above the road between the towns Hausdorf (Jugowice), and Wüstewaltsdorf (Walim). In the camp were only Jews from Poland, Hungary, Greece, Czech Republic, Germany, and Romania. Number of prisoners on the day 22.11.1944 was 3012 people. They were digging tunnel in the Wolfsberg, and Mittelberg Mountains (Jawornicka Section), building bridges, reservoirs, narrow gauge railways, and buildings in Hausdorf (Jugowice), as well as the sewage systems.
On 16th of February 1945 started the evacuation. In the camp were left 600 – 700 prisoners, who after couple of days were transported to AL Schotterwerk. After few days of march, evacuation column was divided into two groups. One, after several days, reached KL Bergen- Belsen; the other- on 3rd of March- KL Mauthausen.
AL Wüstegiersdorf was in the buildings of the factory Stöhr in Wüstegiersdorf (Głuszyca). It was created at the end of April 1944. Its prisoners were Jews, mainly citizens of Poland, and Hungary. They were forced to build objects in the Ramenberg Mountains (Soboń), and Säufer Höhen (Osówka). They were also unloading wagons with provisions, sand, and stones.
In the 2nd half of February 1945 the camp was evacuated. Prisoners were taken to KL Flossenbürg.
AL Wüstewaltersdorf was whether in textile workshops of the company Websky, Hartmann & Wiesen A. G. , or on the hill Stenzelberg (Chłopska Góra), in the town Wüstewaltersdorf (Walim). The camp existed since 21st of April 1944. Its prisoners were mostly Jews form Greece.
Zentralrevier Tannhausen
Zentralrevier (Zentralkrankenrevier- central camp hospital) Tannhausen was near to AL Tannhausen (Jedlinka Zdrój). It existed since November 1944, and was designed for those sick prisoners of „Riese” complex, who were promising to get better. After liberation, in the place of camp hospital arose a hospital for former prisoners.